When you want to send something truly unique, our Storyteller bouquet is always the right choice! Carefully curated with fresh finds, it blends pastel chrysanthemums, exotic alstroemeria, romantic lisianthus, and bold LA lilies with delicate flower filler and plenty of native gum foliage, so make sure to share with someone special.
Consists of:
2 x Stems Alstroemeria
2 x Stems Flowering Filler
2 x Stems Gum
2 x Stems LA Lilies
1 x Stems Chrysanthemums
1 x Stems Lisianthus
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 28cm
Height: 45cm
Customers who recently bought Storyteller said:
I live in Ireland and my sister lives in Sydney! It was so easy to organise flowers and a balloon for her birthday when we’re living so far away!
Thank you so much! Will be using again.
Duffy’s, 18 May 2023
Phenomenal customer service!! And beautiful flowers
Katherine, 06 February 2023
I hate online shopping, but I find your service excellent and easy to follow. I have used your service many times and very satisfied with everything.. I have also phoned and left a praising message to staff about your service and prompt delivery. Thank you.
Ellie, 29 March 2023
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