Bright, bold and beautiful, our Let The Sunshine In bouquet simply bursts with happy hues and positive vibes! This sweet surprise features vibrant sunflowers, spiky sea holly and pops of purple statice blooms accented with native gum foliage.

Consists of:
5 x Stems Sunflowers
3 x Stems Gum
3 x Stems Statice
2 x Stems Sea Holly

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 35cm
Height: 65cm

Vases have been matched to your chosen arrangement to enhance their display. Your gift will arrive already arranged inside the vase, water and all.

Or 4 installments of $23.50 by Afterpay

Colour: As Displayed


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Customers who recently bought Let The Sunshine In said:

Flowers Across Sydney made my sister's day for her birthday by delivered surprise flowers and chocolates to work for her. She was so happy with the flowers and chocolates and that of course made me happy. What a wonderful service you have and it was so quick and easy to order. I will be using your service and recommended it to family and friends as well! Thankyou.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Dr, 04 February 2022

Nothing much to add, just that the service was fantastic and the bouquet was beautiful.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Chad, 08 October 2021

The flowers were fresh beautiful and exactly as on website so reassuring wen it was a very special occasion! Wonderful packing with gifts too. Very helpful prompt chat service to ask queries. Live tracking also so helpful right to leaving photos of delivery. Reviews were all similar so trusted them and glad I did and will use again. Also used their Melbourne branch same day and top service flowers presentation delivery everything thanks so much!

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Tanya, 17 September 2021

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